Are you tired of running to multiple health care practitioners and not feeling any better?

Your health condition may have a significant nutritional root that has not been identified.  Even just one nutrient imbalance can cause multiple symptoms throughout the body. Please read below to see what conditions I work with.


Restore your zest for life!


I provide nutritional support for people with:

Pain Conditions such as joint/muscle pain, fibromyalgia, bladder pain, headaches, etc

Autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s, etc

Bone Loss including osteoporosis and osteopenia

Difficult hormone conditions: PCOS and Endometriosis

Intestinal concerns such as gas, bloating, reflux, chronic constipation, diarrhea, celiac’s, crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, and SIBO

Histamine Intolerance, Food Sensitivities, and Food allergies

Mood Issues affected by nutrition such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, and insomnia

Metabolic Concerns such as insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol

Achieving Healthy Weight through modern techniques of improving your relationship with food. No calorie counting or diets.

Overeating and Emotionally Related Eating Issues as well as overcoming restrictive or avoidant eating patterns stemming from gastrointestinal issues

Healing, Nourishing Meal Plans: I promote a flexible eating approach that supports any food intolerances that you may have, such as celiac disease, etc. Certain diet approaches may be enormously helpful for specific health conditions. I can help you navigate the Mediterranean diet, safe vegan diets, ketogenic diets, paleo, autoimmune paleo (AIP), low FODMAPS diet for IBS, low histamine diets, intermittent fasting approaches, low fermentation SIBO specific diets, and any necessary supplementation that needs to go with these diets to prevent nutritional deficiencies. Some of these diets are a way of life, and others are short-term elimination diets to help you heal from a specific condition.

The bottom line is that I customize meal plans for YOU. I provide common sense nutrition support to help you enjoy your life, and your food, AND be able to meet your health goals. My focus is on ease of preparation, variety, and a meal plan that is as liberal as possible to avoid developing food fears, food obsessions, and feeling deprived and miserable.

I help people who are suffering from following a strict diet for an extended period of time and need guidance to start introducing a more normal diet.

I help you transform your health

I am an integrative and functional nutrition dietitian and homeopath. People work with me when they need to add nutritional care to their conventional medicine regime to regain their quality of life. Together we will work to balance your physiology through nutritional science and help you change your lifestyle and food choices to help you meet your health goals.

I use integrative nutritional testing to identify areas where we can optimize your nutritional status and wellness. We follow up with multiple educational and skill-building sessions. I work with people over time to allow their health improvements to stick.

Dr. Margo Gasta - IBS Dietitian. Advanced Integrative Functional Medicine Nutritionist & Dietitian Boulder CO for optimum health. I help with chronic health issues, specializing in nutrition for chronic pain, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease,…